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Delay Scottish landfill ban, suggests CIWM

By 24/04/2019News

In the wake of a report for the Scottish Government damning the preparation so far within Scotland for dealing with the 2021 landfill ban, the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) has suggested that one solution is for the ban to be delayed.

And, the Environmental Services Association (ESA) has defended the waste management industry arguing that Scotland has failed to produce a “strong and enabling waste policy framework” for non-recyclable waste.

The ESA added that “a lacklustre residual waste policy framework coupled with an uncoordinated approach to public procurement has proved the greatest hurdle to securing the additional investment needed to close the capacity gap further.”

The Scottish Government should produce a long-term infrastructure and investment plan, suggested the Environmental Services Association

The Scottish report, published yesterday by the Scottish Government and written by Eunomia, says that many councils and the waste management sector have failed to prepare for a ban on sending municipal waste to landfill from 2021 (see story).

Interim solutions

Today (24 April) CIWM, through a Scottish branch working group, has suggested that one solution for councils could be deferring the ban on landfilling municipal waste in Scotland and making them pay a higher landfill charge to encourage action. And, CIWM – which appears to assume that the requirements of the ban will not be met in 2021 – has urged the Scottish Government to work with it to find “acceptable interim solutions” to support implementation of the ban.

Bruce Reekie, vice chair of CIWM Scotland, said: “We at CIWM have established a Landfill Ban for Biodegradable Waste Working Group involving key industry partners, including the Scottish Government, SEPA, SESA, local authorities, the private waste sector and Zero Waste Scotland to discuss potential interim solutions.”


Mr Reekie, who is Environmental Strategy Officer with Perth and Kinross Council, continued: “Ideas put forward include proposals for a system based around the principles of the Landfill Allowance Scheme (LAS) with the baseline set to 2021 and with the allowance provided directly to local authorities, or deferrals with increased landfill tax costs to drive progress. We look forward to working with the Scottish Government to help develop practical, affordable and acceptable interim solutions to support the implementation of the BMW ban.”

Travel to England

The Environmental Services Association said that the report confirmed the Scottish landfill capacity gap and that waste will have to travel to England instead.

“We suggest that the Scottish Government provides details of a long term infrastructure and investment plan for Scotland”

Stephen Freeland
Environmental Services Association

Policy advisor to the Scottish branch of the ESA, Stephen Freeland, said: “To unlock investment in sufficient non-landfill capacity the industry needs more commitment from the Scottish Government than a fleeting reference to the landfill ban within regulation. This investment is reliant upon a strong and enabling waste policy framework for non-recyclable waste which has, up to now, been sadly lacking. We suggest that the Scottish Government provides details of a long term infrastructure and investment plan for Scotland to allow private and public-sector partners to adequately identify options for appropriate development.”

Mr Freeland added: “SESA Members aim at all times to achieve cost effective regulatory compliance. Unfortunately, in this case, landfill in England is the only practical option available to the industry for dealing with the majority of the 1 million tonnes of waste that needs a new home in 2021.  This will be a £100m Landfill Tax gift to the English revenue.”

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Source: Waste Managment