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Consultation on PAS 100 changes underway

By 20/12/2017News

A public consultation by The British Standards Institution (BSI) on the revision of BSI PAS 100, the quality standard for compost produced by industrial composting facilities, is underway.

The consultation runs until January 12, and comes after an initial stakeholder consultation earlier this year.

The PAS100 consultation runs until January 12

Among the changes suggested by stakeholders that were taken forward include simplifying sections of the standardto avoid using acronyms without explanation, as put forward by the UK Accreditation Services (UKAS), the national body which is responsible overseeing certification bodies. Plus, consideration of adding a requirement that an accredited lab is used for testing, as put forward by the HACCP Group is proposed.

Another suggestion put forward by UKAS reads: “In order to use the correct amount of compost at each application, users must know what the existing soil conditions are in terms of PTEs, PH and major nutrients.”

One of the suggestions that were not taken forward was recommendations for sanitisation temperatures to be a requirement.


The BSI PAS 100 specifies requirements for the process of composting, the selection of input materials, the minimum quality of composted materials and the storage, labelling and traceability of compost products.

The revised base document has been published on the BSI website and can be accessed here.

The current edition of the standard was published in 2011 after going through a formal revision process.

BAS 100 was reviewed again in 2016 with BSI and the decision was made to revise the standard so another formal revision process was initiated this year.

Individuals who would like to comment on the proposed changes or any other aspect of the standard are required to provide their comments directly to BSI or through their trade associations.

So far, five comments have been put forward on the public consultation.

Jenny Grant, technical author for the revision of PAS 100 said: “So far the PAS 100 revision process has gathered comments from a wide range of stakeholders and where possible these have been incorporated into the draft document now out for consultation.

“I’m looking forward to getting feedback on the proposed revision and working to take this forward with the steering group.”



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Source: General